Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Truckee River in 1867

Some old photographs from a western settler, Timothy O'Sullivan were recently discovered.  The series is breathtaking, but here is one from the batch of the Truckee:

"Sailing away: The Nettie, an expedition boat on the Truckee River, western Nevada, in 1867. This was the river that O'Sullivan almost died in and according to the magazine Harper's 'Being a swimmer of no ordinary power, he succeeded in reaching the shore... he was carried a hundred yards down the rapids...The sharp rocks...had so cut and bruised his body that he was glad to crawl into the brier tangle that fringed the river's brink.' He is also supposed to to have lost three hundred dollars worth of gold pieces during the accident too."

Read more here.


  1. I've seen some of those old photo's. What a trip.

  2. Someone needs to build a replica and take it down the truckee for sure!
